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Stubby Pigs Health & Safety Briefing for visitors 👇

Health & Safety Information

The purpose of this briefing is to provide Stubby Pigs ‘Pet and play, walking  experience’ customers with the basic Health and Safety information for a  safe and enjoyable experience for your day with us here at Stubby Pigs. This  briefing will contain instruction and guidance on PPE requirements, Handling  and petting of pigs, Hygiene measures, our policy on food and drink being  bought to site, Family visits / Children, Accessibility. 

PPE Requirements / Clothing

When visiting us here at Stubby Pigs please ensure you are wearing suitable  footwear, such as closed toe shoes, walking boots or wellington boots.  Trainers can be worn, however please consider ground conditions. Weather  dependent our walking route can occasionally be muddy, please take this  into account on the day of your walk with us and ensure footwear worn has  good grip. Please ensure your clothing is suitable and dress appropriately for  weather conditions.

Hygiene Measures

On arrival at Stubby Pigs please ensure you utilize our ‘Dip Feet’ equipment,  this is a requirement visitors must adhere to for the wellbeing of our pigs, staff,  and visitors.  

Please also adhere to strict handwashing after handling or touching pigs and  after using welfare facilities, ensure hands are thoroughly washed on  departure from Stubby Pigs before eating/drinking.

Food and drink

Please note that food and drink is not permitted at Stubby Pigs, this is for the  safety of our pigs and other animals we have here. Bottled water, however, is  allowed onto site and free drinks will be provided to members of your party  post walking experience.

Petting and Handling of our pigs

Here at Stubby Pigs our Juliana mini pigs are extremely friendly, sociable  animals which are well adjusted to contact with people. Please however  always remain respectful of our pigs and ensure they are treated with respect  and dignity; this is one thing which is very important to us. 

Please avoid running or moving excessively fast towards our pigs as this can  be quite intimidating for our pigs and allow them to be spooked, please do  not grab the pigs our put hands near the mouths of the pigs at any time. If  you wish to touch the noses of our pigs (Ever so tempting, we know!) this must  be done with permission and close supervision from Rosie Stubbs, our founder  of Stubby Pigs. Please take extra care around our Boars, as their tusks can be  quite sharp!

Family visits / Children

We want your experience here to be enjoyable for all families, please ensure  children are always supervised, children must not be left unattended at any  time, including when using welfare facilities. 

We will provide a scoop of food for visits, please note children under the age  of 14 are not permitted to handle the scoops, additional scoops of food can  be purchased for £5.00 from the Stubby Pigs shop, alongside carrots for  handfeeding which the pigs thoroughly enjoy! 

If you are bringing pushchairs to us, a degree of manual handling may be  required to access our walking route, please bare this in mind before  attending.

Wheelchair users

Due to the nature of our current available walk route here at Stubby Pigs,  wheelchair access is not at this time something we are able to offer, we are  currently in the process of training our pigs for walking on roads which will In  turn allow us to open up our walking experiences to all individuals which is a  goal for us here at Stubby Pigs. 

However, pet and play experiences remain available for Wheelchair users  which can be undertaken in a safe, accessible environment on our garden.

Photography / Filming

Photography / Filming is permitted here at Stubby Pigs, however, please be  respectful of our neighbours and members of the public. Do not take any  photographs or videos which may have our neighbours’ houses or belongings  in the background. 

When we are on the walking route, please ensure no children are in the  photographs unless you are a legal parent/guardian and can give consent  for this.

Smoking / Vaping

Smoking and vaping are permitted on site but only in designated areas  stated by Rosie, please do not smoke near our wooden buildings or near any  combustible materials such as hay/straw. Cigarettes must be fully  extinguished, and any materials placed in provided smoking receptacles. 

Please be respectful of our community and environment and refrain from  littering cigarette ends / disposable vapes whilst on our walking experience  route.

Visitor’s dogs / pets

No animals are permitted here at Stubby Pigs, except for Guide Dogs /  Medical alert dogs.

Timekeeping / Appointment times 

Please note at Stubby Pigs we have a minimum of 2 appointments per day  for our Pet and Play / Walking Experiences, we ensure our pigs receive a  relaxing break in between this for rest and hydration. 

Please arrive on time for your appointment, if you are late, we cannot extend  your booking time due to other bookings in the day. If you wish to leave your  booking before your 3-hour booking time this is fine, just please let our friendly  team know!